

You probably have a lot of questions…

Whether you are pregnant or already have a child, we can provide you with support and resources.  Our center is here to help you discover this next part of your life journey successfully. Learn in a practical, hands-on environment and be equipped with the skills to have a healthy pregnancy, positive labor experience and provide for your new family with excellent care. Classes can be taken individually or as a couple. We believe every parent counts and are here to support you in this new season of your life!
We’ve talked with hundreds of clients with questions and we are ready to walk you through any concerns you might have so you can decide your next step. Every appointment is free and confidential.
  • One-On-One mentoring classes.
  • Educational classes on pregnancy, delivery and infant care
  • Material support
  • Referrals for assistance with financial, childcare, medical and other needs
Material Aid for Parents
When you participate in one of our parenting classes, you can earn credit towards a physical gift for your child. We have several options to choose from. 
Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care Centers exist to provide you with accurate information on all your options and share resources that can help you make an informed next step.

Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care offers free counseling regarding your decisions but does not refer for or perform abortions.